Top American Tv Shows

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Netflix - is the biggest streaming video site on the Internet. For $8.00 a month you can get unlimited, commercial-free TV shows right to your iPad. Netflix can play on most devices and all you need is an Internet connection to start watching them, they even play well on slower DSL lines. The TV shows on the iPad rarely stutter or freeze and look sharp and crisp with good color saturation.

Speaking of the best TV shows of all time, we cannot leave out Seinfeld. Even though the show has experienced it's final season and is not making anymore new episode, the Seinfeld show will continue to be aired on primetime. This means that new Jerry Seinfeld fans are more than welcome to get into this hit TV show series. Better late than never.

A number of websites now offer you to download as many episodes, movies, music albums and shows as much you like. All you have to do is to pay their annual fee. You do not need to pay separately for every episode, an affordable once yearly payment gives you access to all you require. Isn't this a more reasonable bargain?

Smallville: This show is still very enjoyable. As you may know, Smallville was already cancelled but then renewed. This time it's for certain: no more heroes to save the day.

"I think the fun of this new show is that it is lighter and comedic in terms of a sweeter approach. It is not an out and out comedy necessarily but it is combining a genre that I love with an attitude and a tone that I have not seen before. So that will be at least a fun experiment." - J.J. Abrams says of his new tv series, MyMovieHits Undercovers.

The Office: Can The Office exist without its lead actor? I don't believe it would be a wise decision to continue the series without Carell as Michael Scott. If they do, let's hope they do it well. We all know what happened to "That 70s show", "Scrubs" and "Spin City" after the main actor quit.

You will be able to watch TV on your iPad, iPod, iPhone, and tablet plus your computer and you can do it legally! You know Apple's iPad came out a year ago with TV applications built in and since then other companies such as HBO have been adding applications so you can view any TV show on your iPad. Of course, you could always watch them on your computer but the iPad can and does go anywhere. It's small, lightweight, and very versatile with a strong battery that last all day.